Agriculture Tours
The TA Ranch operations revolve centrally around sustainability and self-reliance in the resource barren landscape of North-Eastern Wyoming.
Join us on an educational tour that surrounds the nitty-gritty details of how we maintain an 8,000 acre property with over 400 acres of sole hay production.
The Ag department will take guests through unique experiences that are dependent on what is occurring during the season. If guests go on a tour in the beginning of the season, they will most likely see our first cutting and what that entails. If guests come through the middle of the season, they will see how we manage the cattle and how they are rotated to different pastures. Towards the end of the season, guests will see our second (or possibly third) cutting of hay and how we prepare the hay fields to be grazed by cattle and horses.

With there being over 30 square miles of fenceline across the property, there is a lot of maintenance that must occur frequently. Fencing takes up a large part of the Ag staff’s time and effort, so they have ample information to share. Hey, you may even be able to put in some barbed wire while you’re here!
The TA Ranch are proud producers of high quality hay, which serves as feed for not only our herds, but as feed for our neighbor’s herds and the surrounding populations. The ranch produces over 460 tons of hay on average each year, which is no simple task. There is a lot of machinery and manual labor that ties in to making sure the hay is grown, baled, and stored properly for sale or consumption.
Irrigation lines play an important role in the Ag department as a whole. In Wyoming, it is vital that hay fields receive ample watering in order to ensure adequate production. Learn about how we move waterlines to ensure we have high quality and high quantity hay production.
The TA Ranch is home to just under 300 head of cattle. Cattle are a key part of our operation, so it is vital that we manage grazing diligently to prevent detriment to the land.
With there being so many moving parts at the ranch, something is bound to not work quite right sometimes. Our staff and family are very knowledgeable in many different aspects, such as large vehicle/equipment maintenance. Whether it being our tractors and swathers or just our ranch trucks, there is always something to be fixed!
Click the button below to open a printable PDF of a sample itinerary for guests staying throughout the week!

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